42 Ways To Celebrate 420 With Your Cats

As sellers of a product that can be mistaken for more than just catnip, did you think we’d let 420 pass by without a purr, meow or flick of the tail? If so, you just don’t know the minds behind Meowijuana!

We love the Urban Dictionary’s explanation of what 420 is: “The term originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking wiseacres who called themselves the Waldos, who are now pushing 50. The term was shorthand for the time of day the group would meet, at the campus statue of Louis Pasteur, to smoke pot.

42 Ways To Celebrate 420 With Your Cats

Regardless of the meaning, we are going to have fun with 420 because let’s face it… our cats want to get baked!  

Ready. Set. Toke – er, GO!

  1.  Just chill. Be like your cat and just chill with him.
  2. Brush her. She’ll love it! (Bribe her with a joint, then she might!) 
  3. Go for a walk
  4. Build a catio
  5. Give her some catnip
  6. Play with a feather toy with her
  7. Scratch her behind the ears
  8. Give him a warm bed
  9. Make a kitty cave in the closet so she can get away from it all
  10. Toss a box or two around the house.
  11. Crumple up a piece of paper and let the fun begin
  12. Take her to the vet – she won’t like it, but you’re a good pet parent, right?
  13. Adopt a new kitten
  14. Find an app that lets her chase fish around the screen
  15. Hide some food for a fun game of hide and seek
  16. Teach your cat some tricks
  17. Invest in a new cat scratcher – they wear out
  18. Grab that laser pointer and let her chase it
  19. Drop a ping pong ball in the tub
  20. Stuff catnip into an old sock
  21. Turn on a remote- or battery-operated toy
  22. Get new toys
  23. Set up a kitty agility course
  24. Alternate the cat toys
  25. Build a tower of boxes or shelves
  26. Cut holes in a box so your cat can jump in and out
  27. Drop toys into the boxes
  28. Throw a party for your cat
  29. Turn on a nature channel that has birds or bugs or something else for your kitty to watch while you’re away
  30. Go to your local shelter and play with the kitties there
  31. Adopt a senior cat
  32. Talk to your cat
  33. Give your cat a massage from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail
  34. Place a bird feeder by a window
  35. Plant an indoor cat garden (cat grass and catnip!)
  36. Sew your kitty some catnip pillows and fill with high-quality catnip 
  37. Plan daily cuddle time
  38. Call your cat by his or her name – they will learn it and may come to you when you call (offer a treat when they do come to you)
  39. Cats love to roll around inside a paper bag
  40. Give your kitty a cat food puzzle
  41. Let your kitty bump you on the face with his face
  42. Give your cat some catnip that is so good it should be illegal! 

We could definitely come up with even more ways to celebrate 420 with your kitty, but we just want you to go shopping for a 420 Bundle – there’s good stuff for your kitty and for you!

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