Blog & News
Three Things To Do To Keep Cats Safe On July 4th
Why Onions Are Dangerous For Cats
How To Introduce Your Cat To Catnip
We have heard that some cat moms and dads don’t give their kitties catnip! There was no reason other than they just didn’t think about it! At Meowijuana we know that cats LOVE catnip and if your kitten or adult cat hasn’t used catnip we have ways to introduce your cat to catnip. He or she will thank you for it!
How To Make Easter Fun For Your Cats
How To Poison-Proof Your Home For Your Pet’s Safety
There are many common household items that can be lethal or make pets extremely ill – some you may not have given any thought to! Here is a list – not the be all and end all, but a great jumping off point for new (or long time) pet parents who want to give the house a once over for pet safety.
Why Cats Love Silvervine
Utilizing Meowijuana for Stress-Free Vet Visits
4 Tricks You Can Train Your Cat to Do
How to Train Your Cat
2020 Gift Guide
10 Ways to Celebrate National Cat Lovers' Month
December is National Cat Lovers' Month! This month is dedicated to loving and celebrating your cat’s existence (as if they don’t demand that every day of the year). Need some ideas on how to celebrate? We’ve got your covered!