Why Cats Are The Best Pets

If you’re a cat lover you know that a cat is the best pet you could ever share your life with. If you’re not yet a cat lover, you may be wondering what makes cats the best. Well, we’re glad you asked! We have put together a list of reasons to share your life with a cat.

By the time we’re done, you will be rushing to the local shelter to foster or adopt your own cat or kitten!

Why Cats Are The Best Pets

We have put together a list of reasons to share your life with a cat. 

  1. You can say buh-bye to rodents. Yep, cats will rid your house of vermin. Sure there are some cats who just aren’t going to hunt, but many of them will – it’s an instinct for them.
  2. Cats will make you smarter! It’s true. Surveys show that cat parents core higher on intelligence tests than dog parents do. Hhhmmm
  3. They are hilarious. ‘nuff said.
  4. They are photogenic. If you love taking selfies, then adopt a cat – they love being on camera!
  5. Live in an apartment or a small space? Cats are the ideal roommates for small spaces. You may need to come up with space for their toys and such – but that’s on you, not them!
  6. They are lower maintenance than dogs. You won’t have to take your cat for a walk…unless you want to!
  7. Cats love to play. They love catnip. Feather toys. Catnip toys… you see where we are going, right?
  8. Chances are they won’t make you feel guilty if you have to leave the house to go to work. This doesn’t mean that your cat won’t get lonely or miss you – he will – it just means he won’t be howling or scratching at the door.
  9. They’re self-cleaning. Haha (but true!)
  10. Cats are good for your health. Studies show that sharing your life with a cat will help lower your blood pressure and ease stress. Curl up on the couch with your purring kitty and the stresses of the day will melt away.
  11. They’re adorable. Have we mentioned that?

What are you waiting for? Go foster or adopt a kitty and notice how much better your life will be! 

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